If You're Not Standing For Something . . .

Then you are probably sitting-and this is no time for sitting! I want you to get out and get involved. have some fun, but let's try and make a difference in our community, and even our state. I encourage each of you to contact your politicians about the proposed budget. And it's really pretty clear. Even if you don't care about basic services, the elderly, education . . . okay, whatever. But think about what is going to happen to everything else you do care about in Alaska? Guess what-if cuts that deep are actually implemented, those things you may actually care about are probably going to disappear too. I mean, you can't slash that much at once from XYZ without affecting ABC . . . easy as 123. Except that it is not easy at all, So think about everything you do love about living here and then take action to either make sure it stays that way or gets better. Because this will impact all of us in several different ways. Massive slashes in an effort to balance the budget immediately is not the answer. But I feel like there's not enough public outrage, and that scares me. So don't sit-stand up-let your voice be heard and please do anything you can to talk some sense into our elected officials . . . I know-that sounds daunting, but if we don't at least try then we will blame ourselves later. I don't think a bigger dividend and no taxes is worth losing pretty much everything else. Look, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but it seems pretty clear to me that what they are trying to feed me is not going to make me healthier, if you're grasping what I'm tossing out there. Here's a link to contact our "leaders": https://.akleg.gov or contact the gov's office at https://gov.alaska.gov/

I think we could really use some good leadership right now. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that's what we're going to get. Of course I hope I'm wrong. And maybe I don't have the answers either, but I do have some ideas I plan to share. Look, let's just at least try to do something other than what's out there now . . . I'm standing. I hope you'll stand too.

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