UA STRONG? It's Time To Find Out

After Anchorage did what they did, I am tempted to go "UAF Strong" and call it good, but still taking the high road. I realize this is stressful for most everyone and it's easy to take the view of "every person for themselves", but that defeats the whole united strong front we need. It's hard to wrap my head about what's going on in our state (and beyond) right now, and really WHY it is happening as there is no real rhyme or reason for it-it's not to balance the budget and it's not for the PFD. And there's been so many distractions tossed out there-all part of the plan. For anyone who's not on board with how horrible these cuts are for our state, take a minute to really think about-how is this going to impact you? Because it will touch all of us . . . and it won't be the good touch either. Please contact your legislators now and keep up the good fight! A big government hand-out should never replace thousands of jobs, but that's only part of the story.

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