Oysters Are More Than Just An Aphrodisiac!

This deliciously slimy appetizer known to help you get your groove on also produces coveted jewelry items, though I am skeptical on how many are produced in each one. I had a friend give me an oyster in a vacuum sealed pack that supposedly contained pearls . . . which it did-like 6!! And it makes me wonder if said oyster was not tampered with beforehand . . . sucker was sealed pretty good though. Who am I to knock this future set of earrings? They are pretty fun to explore for sure and apparently they are not that expensive online either, which makes me also question the authenticity of the pearls found . . . . and that begs a bigger question: When you order oysters on the half shell at your favorite restaurant, where is the pearl? Are they ripping us off? I'll start checking staff for fancy pearl necklaces going forward for sure!! Ha!

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