Naw-it's all about the winning-of the coveted Red Lantern! And with hair like that, would you have it any other way/ I swear I showered and worked all day, but to still have that "i just got out of bed" hair is really a gift! I'd like to thank the academy and for all the teams that lost to help me earn this special award. Seriously, I played to win-maybe if some of those teams I picked would have done the same I'd be scoring the grand prize, but man-nothing wrong with this sweet trophy for sure! Thanks to Orion's Belt School of Self Defense, and for all my competitors-I know you're jealous! Now I guess it's a rotating trophy but I plan on keeping it . . . wait. I'll have to earn it, I suppose. Oh, the 20 bucks was for me actually winning the final week of picks for regular season-oh the irony!! I've attached the 50th podcast of Anything Goes so you can listen in to hear some of my "winning" strategies! Look out, playoffs!!