Congrats To All Our Grads, Especially The Last Class At BEHS

Lots of good memories...and some kinda bad ones too but that's the trick: Remember the good times. I wish you all the best in whatever the future holds.

I know it's not "Throwback Thursday", but on Eielson's last graduation day, I figured I'd post this of yours truly escorting the Homecoming Queen back in...well, let's not get into the weeds here. Now the only reason this happened was because her boyfriend was on the football team, and coach would not let the players do it for fear they'd be too distracted or whatever. And none of that mattered to me-I was the happiest dude on the planet! Yeah, I had my few minutes of fame, the Eielson Ravens won the game, and all was well with the world. And here we are...

Thanks to IncrediBill at Party Planet or the awesome balloon action!! Hope you enjoy it. Be safe, don't do anything I wouldn't do...or at least don't get yourself arrested or hurt. The future is yours-and you need to take it back...cause I'm pretty sure we made a mess of things.

Photo: Rocky Escorting Tina at BEHS Homecoming Game Halftime A couple years ago...

Photo: Congrats To The BEHS Ravens Class of 2024!!

Photo: Yay For Balloons And Graduations!!

Photo: IncrediBill May Have Went Overboard...

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