A number of organizations are offering help to federal employees hurt by the government shutdown...
Odom Corp - Through Jan 28th they are offering 2 free cases of Coke products with a government ID.
Alaska USA, Alaska Credit Union, First National Bank of Alaska, Alaska Credit Union League, Credit Union 1, Northrim Bank and Wells Fargo are offering a number of services for members and customers affected by the shutdown. Get in touch with your banking organization for more info.
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and Yukon-Kuskokwin Health Corporation also have programs for members who are federal workers.
GCI, AT & T and Verizon are offering payment plans and/or late fee waivers for customers who are affected by the shutdown.
ENSTAR is offering assistance with bills.
Santa's Helpers is offering free toys for kids of federal employees affected by the shutdown. They are located at Fairbanks Nissan.