And quite possibly help anyone who has PTSD-that's the App idea these 7th and 8th graders came up with. It was good enough to win state and regionals, and now they need our help to win Verizon's App Challenge at the national level. If they can win either the judges choice or the fan favorite, they'll get to go to Florida (without me) and work with MIT students to develop and launch the App. Since we are not actually "judges" we can't really help with that, but we can help them win fan favorite by texting "INREACH" to 22333. Standard messaging rates apply. You can only vote once per phone, so do it now.
And to clarify one more time, they are not meeting the MIT students that were featured in the movie "21". I'm actually meeting them in Vegas this spring . . . that's a story for another time. Now go vote for the App!
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