Did a lot of "discovery" of my own this weekend. i had not been on any Riverboat Discovery for just laid back enjoyment in a long time. After catching heat from my (alleged) younger son after doing a gig, I decided he may right-I may be crazy-oh but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for . . . and I took the family for a ride aboard Discovery III, which was my first time ever on that one. The trip is awesome-even if you've been in Alaska for as long as I have. I guess maybe if I lived on the river it might not be as exciting? It was fun to play tourist in my own town. There was an intense battle of Rock, Paper Scissors with Captain Binkley on who would get to drive the boat . . . but I let him win cause he had the cool uniform already. Next time I'll come more prepared! If you have not done the Riverboat in a while, you should! Loved the plane taking off and circling the boat too, and the nice history lesson I got. Special shout-out to Jay Lewis who does a fantastic job commentating on the boat. This is a must do for visitors and us Alaskans alike. So thanks to my alleged son AJ for making me feel guilty and finally doing the boat for giggles . . . maybe next time he can go too!! Haha!!