I'm not sure how this one seems to get forgotten because dad's rock!!! So I am sending this one out early so you'll have time to plan and hopefully not forget again. Make sure you're taking care of him-and this is not something expensive or fancy. Not to say to get dad another tie or socks this year . . . but I do always need socks and that's a great gift no matter what you say!! I want to throw some steaks on the grill-because I like to grill and I love steaks . . . how simple is that? I like hand-made cards. I might like an omelette for breakfast. I might like to sleep in. I would love to take a road trip in the Stang-with the top down and I don't want to hear about how messy it makes your hair!! Ha! Look, the point I'm trying to make is it doesn't have to be anything big-just let dad know you appreciate him. Hugs are always nice. And for the wife who never knows what to do for him on Father's day, ask him because he knows!