Fresh off his 2nd iHeart "President's Club" award in 3 years, Rocky just scored yet another "Sexiest Man In Radio" award! This coveted annual recognition was certainly unexpected, but evidently it was narrowed down to Ryan Secrest and Rocky (haha-take that Secrest!!!).
Congrats to Rocky on this awesome score-and a big shout out to IncrediBill at Party Planet in the Arctic Bowl building, for making it all possible. You party-they'll planet...uh, plan it.
It's easy to see why Rocky Barnette continues to win this prestigious award...yes, he still has it!!
And Rocky did not write this about himself-in case you were wondering...oh no I didn't!! Ha!
Photo: He Wins Again!!!
Photo: You Can't Deny All That Sexiness...
Photo: I Can See Why Rocky Won